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Join us this Sunday for Worship at 10:30 am ET

Attend in-person at Tryon Presbyterian Church, 430 Harmon Field Road, Tryon, NC. 28782

Online worship - broadcasting live from the church sanctuary on our website here

View recordings of our worship services here.


We are a church that endeavors to be a faith community that nurtures relationships and welcomes people.

We are neither liberal nor conservative, believing that the Bible speaks its own message if we are but willing to listen. 
The Bible is central to our worship and education. 

We share a strong commitment to mission and service locally and worldwide.

We are a church that celebrates life, and embraces all who are undergoing difficult life journeys.

We are a Stephen Ministry congregation, where several individuals have been trained to practice a caring, listening ministry for people in need.

We are a church where education in the faith is a lifelong opportunity; where questions are valued, and faith is shared.

We are a church "under construction" as together we seek to learn what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

We welcome all children and infants in worship - they are at home in God's house!

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