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Children's Ministry 

Our children's ministries are actively growing at Tryon Presbyterian Church. We currently offer Sunday School for all ages during the school year. We have monthly outdoor family activities to build fellowship and give our children the chance to experience the wonder of God's creation. During worship we have nursery available for children ages 0-2 in "The Manger". Following the "Time with Children", children ages 3-7 are welcome to remain in worship or attend Children's Church in "The Ark". For all other children and youth, we have worship bags available in the Narthex and we have a “Pray Ground” in the front of the church to help keep hands busy and minds open as they explore the Word of God. For more information regarding children ministries, please contact Director of Children Ministry Amy McGrath, at

Christian Education

  • Adult Church School 

  • Adult Advent/Lenten Studies - Opportunities for seasonal studies are offered at the church as well as Tryon Estates in Columbus, NC.

  • Nursery - A church nursery and church school for children is provided each Sunday during the worship service.

  • Library/Media Resource Center - The Library/Media Center has books, videos and DVD's available on loan for all ages.  

Congregational Care

  • Bereavement Committee - This committee prepares food for families who experience a death and/or provides a reception following memorial services held in our church.   

  • Email Prayer Chain - A way to remember specific prayer needs is through the email Prayer Chain.    

Presbyterian Men

The Presbyterian Men's B & B (Bible and Breakfast) meets the first Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m.


Presbyterian Women

The Tryon Presbyterian Women have three circles that meet monthly; Lydia Circle, Naomi Circle, Ruth Circle and Glory Girls Circle.  Learn more about their mission and meeting times here: Tryon Presbyterian Women

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are trained lay people from the congregation who offer counseling and support to fellow church members.        

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